Daniel diSilva is the founding president of the Original Divine Mercy Institute, a non-profit organization whose mission it is to promote veneration to the mercy of Jesus through Saint Faustina’s Masterpiece. He is best known for directing the documentary film, The Original Image of Divine Mercy, the most authoritative film on the subject of Saint Faustina’s Masterpiece. He has also directed other films including Sexual Revolution: 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae. Daniel diSilva is also the author of the new book, Masterpiece of Mercy, which is due out soon, and the writer/composer of a musical by the same name which tells the true story of the painting of the Original Image of Divine Mercy. From 1999 through 2009, diSilva toured across the globe with his own Catholic band, Crispin.

Daniel diSilva is the producer of the Divine Mercy Summit.